Friday 4 March 2011

Boundary Basketball Development Program

Last night the Wolves sponsored the first night of the new Boundary Basketball Development Program.  This elementary based skill development program is meant to give students from Christina Lake, Grand Forks, Midway, Greenwood, and Rock Creek an opportunity to further their skills in dribbling, passing, shooting and playing.  50 kids showed up for the first full night of high energy drills and playing. Thanks to current Wolves, Annalise Rezansoff, Taylor Konken-de Haan, Mitch Bekker, and Jordon Hoodikoff who came out to help coach.  A big thanks also to Dan Makortoff, a parent helper, Brittani Pauls, a grade 8 coach and former Wolf, and Maddy Williams who designed the BBDP t-shirts and took the registrations.
The program will run for the next two weeks and then take two weeks off while students are out of school during spring break.  The program will resume after spring break and go until the end of April.  Students will receive their t-shirts after spring break as Maddy is screening them by hand.....they are awesome!
See you next week.  For questions or comments, parents can contact me directly at or at

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