Thursday 1 September 2011

Sept 2011 Start Up

Welcome back to another school year at GFSS

As you may have heard, we will be beginning the year with teachers implementing "Work to Rule" as part of their job action related to ongoing negotiations with the government.  This means that classes will continue as per usual, however, teachers will not be supervising students outside class time as well as providing written communication to administration regarding regular school tasks and student reporting.  At this time, we do not know how long this situation will last.  We will try and keep parents and students up to date as best we can.

Below we have added some information related to some program changes that are taking place this coming year.

Career Education Information for the 2010-11 School Year

GFSS will continue to implement its Career Programs for our senior students.  This program will consist of supporting any interested students in obtaining job shadowing placements, work experience placements, Secondary School Apprenticeship opportunities, and dual credit courses for some college placement programs. 

As many of our students enter the workforce after graduation, we are looking at developing a more comprehensive program to meet their needs and prepare students with a set of skills necessary to gain employment. 

Job Shadowing – allows students to participate in short term placements where they can work alongside a person in a career field they may be interested in pursuing.  These volunteer hours can also go towards meeting the grad transition requirements.

Work experience – longer term volunteer placements (that could lead to paid employment) where a student completes a minimum 100 hours and earns 4 credits towards graduation.  A student can earn credits through work experience towards their graduation program.  The school can facilitate student placements or a student may find their own placement.

Secondary School Apprenticeship – this program can serve as the beginning of an  apprenticeship in a trade supervised by a certified trades person.  Students are entitled to 16 credits for participation as well as funding provided through the Industry Trade Authority.  It allows students that have a good idea of what they want to do for a career to gain early entry where an appropriate placement is available.  The school will help facilitate placement or a student may find their own placement.

Dual Credit Program – some colleges provide students with an opportunity to take courses while they are still in high school (usually grade 12).  Students that complete these courses will be given credit towards their graduation program as well as credits towards their college program.  These courses are offered through distance learning.  This coming year Thompson Rivers University is offering courses that our students may wish to take as part of the Dual Credit Program.  Students are responsible for paying the University tuition but the District will reimburse students tuition costs upon completion.

Students are encouraged to meet with Mrs. Argue if they are interested in any of these career education opportunities.

Moodle – this is a format that allows our students to take courses online under the guidance of one of our teachers in the DLC room.  Initially students will have access to a number of regular courses that they can take within their schedule or outside the timetable if they wish.  There is no cost for this option as they are still registered as GFSS students.  This will help students that want to take a course but are unable to fit it into their timetable.  Students are able to see the courses available through a link on our school website and should contact Mrs. DeWynter to arrange enrollment in a course.  It is not meant to replace courses that are available in the timetable.

We have also enclosed below a copy of the yearly calendar.  A more detailed copy of our monthly block rotations can be accessed through our website.
Grand Forks Secondary
2011 - 2012


District Professional Development Day

District Professional Development Day
School Opening Day (Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.) (School in session Tuesday to Friday this week)

Friday - School in Session

District Shortened Days
Thanksgiving Day (School in session Tuesday to Friday this week)

Friday - School in Session

Provincial Professional Development Day
Parent Interviews / Grad Spaghetti Dinner

Remembrance Day (Friday)
School Closes for Winter Vacation (Last day of classes)
School Re-Opens after Winter Vacation (School in session Tuesday to Friday this week)

Friday – School in Session

School Exams

First Day of Semester 2
School Closes for Spring Vacation (Last Day of classes)
School Re-Opens after Spring Vacation

Good Friday

Easter Monday (School in session Tuesday to Friday this week)

Friday – School in Session

District Shortened Day

District Shortened Day / Parent Interviews
Victoria Day (School in session Tuesday to Friday this week)

Friday - School in Session / Final Deadline for Grad Transition Interviews

First Grad List

Final Grad List
Lupine Awards Night (Tentative)

Grad Ceremony Appeals Due

School Exams

Graduation Weekend (Times to be determined)

Administrative Day

Days in Session
Number of Days of Instruction
Number of Non-Instructional Days
Number of Administrative Days
Length of School Day (ie:  6 hrs 45 mins)
7 hours and 14 minutes
Minutes of Operation (Office Hours)
7:30am to 4:00pm
Total Instructional Time
340 min/day (Elem)          370 min/day (Sec) 
School Commences
Lunch (start and end time)
12:12pm to 12:55pm
Minutes in each block (secondary)
71-76 minutes
Minutes between blocks (secondary)
4 minutes

We would also like to introduce our new staff members.  Mrs. Malayna Gross has taken over as our Special Education teacher,  Mrs. Wanda Hecht is now coordinating our GFSS Aboriginal Education program along with our new Aboriginal Support Worker, Mrs. Victoria Runge.  Mr. Garrison will be on leave for the first six weeks with Mr. Mike Fraser taking over his duties in the Bike Shop.  Mrs. Deb Steinbach is also back in the office after having been away for last school year.

In addition to some staff changes, we have also had some building and other program changes over the summer.  The school library is now in the DLC which is also our online learning center for students enrolled in Moodle courses.  The old Ab Ed room next to the counselling area is now the new Grad Study Hall / Career Center where our senior students will be able to access computers and study.  The old library location is now our fitness facility that will be open daily for students to access and will also be supported with Peer Tutors in every block.  The Ab Ed room is now located upstairs where the old teacher preparation room used to be.

These are just a few of the things happening in September.  Have a great start to the year and if you have any questions or suggestions....please email us directly at 
You can also follow updates through twitter @GrandForksSec as we attempt to use other ways of keeping people informed.

The first Parent Advisory Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 20th at 7pm in the DLC room.  Hope to see you then.

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