Wednesday 9 November 2011

Home on the Range

One of the more difficult things to do when faced with declining enrollment is to continue to offer students a wide range of choices, particularly in the elective areas.  This is an aspect that I feel our school has been successful with given our drop in numbers.  Changes to our Strength and Conditioning program have allowed students to progress at their own pace during scheduled and unscheduled times, which has enabled us to continue to offer options that would not have been accessible otherwise.

Students studying in library
New fitness room
Students working out after school

With the movement of the library books to a smaller room, we were able to organize the existing space into a new fitness facility where kids have access all through the day.  The library is now used more as a "Learning Commons" where students access courses through online delivery, complete paper-based coursework, and access books or use the site as a place to read/catch up on work during spare blocks.

Another success story would have to be our Outdoor Education class.  Initially, we looked at offering the course on Fridays where kids could go on expeditions or participate in activities for the entire day.  Unfortunately, due to restrictions on the workweek, we had to look at offering the class in the regular timetable Monday to Thursday.  While this put constraints on the activities we could do, it still enabled us to do extended activities during our double-block over the lunch period.  Our instructor, Mr. Deadmarsh has done a great job of organizing activities around this schedule.  Students have the opportunity to do hiking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, kayaking, and obstacle courses. Additionally they are working on components of their CORE course which allows them to gain a hunting license upon completion.
Just yesterday, I went with the class to help supervise on the shooting range.  Students were given the opportunity to shoot a variety of rifles in a controlled, safe setting.  With twenty two students in the program, we had three instructors working with the kids to ensure proper gun etiquette, safety procedures, and firing protocol.  The students were keen and, besides some cold temperatures, fun was had by all.  A special thanks to Peter from the Wildlife Hall who came out to help and the Gun Club for access to the range.
Taking aim on the firing range

Thanks goes out to Mrs. Grootjes and her drama and dance classes for organizing the Remembrance Day assembly.  Take a moment tomorrow to stop and remember those who have served their country. I know I will.  Have a good weekend.

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